Edmund Nielsen Woodwinds History

Edmund Nielsen Woodwinds is a name that is well-known to discerning oboists and bassoonists around the world. Customers have been enjoying the products and the great customer service of Edmund Nielsen Woodwinds for since 1949, when Edmund and Dorothy Nielsen started the business. From 1949 through 1987 they were at various locations on East Jackson near Wabash in Chicago. Edmund Nielsen did sales and service of all woodwinds and Dorothy Nielsen did the secretarial, accounting and customs work. Dorothy then started to expand the accessory part of the business, specializing in bassoon bocals, instrument care, reeds, and reed-making supplies.

When Edmund Nielsen died in 1981, their daughter Barbara started doing the secretarial and filling orders. In 1987, Dorothy Nielsen moved the business from Chicago to Villa Park, and for many years she and Barbara operated the business together. Dorothy retired in 2011 at the age of 87. In September 2015, Theresa Delaplain and Robert Mueller purchased the business from Barbara, and relocated the operations to Fayetteville, Arkansas. They are committed to providing the best possible products and service, in the Nielsen tradition.